Thursday, 31 December 2009

Perfect Eggs

Boiled Eggs:
Place the egg(s) into a small saucepan and pour in four or Five sloshes of malt vinegar
over the egg(s). Leave these for at least 30 seconds, this should help to strengthen
the shell.
Cover the egg(s) in cold water, just above the egg(s) on it’s side.
Place the sauce pan on the hob on a medium heat and bring the water to boil.
Soft: 3 minutes and 45 seconds from boiling
Hard: 6 minutes from boiling.
Take the pan to an empty sink and overflFlow the pan with cold water for 1 minute
and 30 seconds.
Take the egg(s) from the COLD water (make sure that it is cold before putting your
hand in). Crack and roll the egg(s) on a chopping board, peal on a small section on
the shell and blow into the egg(s) (this will separate the shell embrio from the egg
more easily). Now the egg should peal very easily.

Fried Eggs:
Lightly mist the frying pan with spray oil and place on the hob on a medium heat.
Hold the egg upside down for 1 minute to ensure the yolk is in the middle of the
egg white before cracking the egg into the frying pan using the back of a chef’s knife,
and cook on a low heat for 3 to 4 minutes. (You may want to crack a small amount
of salt and pepper onto the egg yolk to add Flavour.).
Sunny Side Up: Serve now.
Over Easy: Flip the egg gently and cook for 10 seconds on the other side, then very
carefully Flip it onto your plate.

Poached Eggs:
Crack you egg into small jug or cup (crack a small amount of salt and pepper on top
of the egg to add Flavour). Fill a small saucepan with boiling water and 4 or 5 sloshes
of malt vinegar (this will help solidify the egg faster), bring it to the boil again. When
boiling stir the water with a wooden spoon creating a whirlpool effect, carefully drop
the egg into the centre of the whirlpool from a low height above the water being careful
not to splash. Watch the egg cook with in 2 to 3 minutes and once solid gently spoon
out the egg with a slotted spoon draining the water before putting it on your plate.

Crack two eggs into a meassuring jug, crack a small amount of salt and black pepper
into the eggs and tear in a small amount of fresh basil into the egg or sprinkle in some
dried basil. Whisk the mixture well, then lightly mist a frying pan with spray oil and
place on the hob on a medium heat. After 1 minute pour the mixture into the pan and
gently lift the edges with a fork and tilt the pan until most of the top layer is solid. Tilt
the pan from the handle toward yourself at a 45 degree angle and gently bang the
handle with the base of your Fist causing the ommelette to fold. Take this opportunity
to Flip the ommelette over, cook on this side for a further minute and a half and then

Crack two eggs into a meassuring jug, crack a small amount of salt and black pepper
nto the eggs and tear in a small amount of fresh basil into the egg or sprinkle in some
dried basil. Whisk the mixture well. Place a sauce pan onto the hob on a low heat and
pour the mixture in. Stir constantly making sure that the egg does not stick to the pan,
do this until it is cooked to your liking (this should take approximately four and a half
minutes). When done serve.
Do not add any water or any dairy products to the eggs as they will not solidify with
the rest of the mixture and just cause liquid to pool on your plate.

Crack two eggs into a meassuring jug, crack a small amount of salt and black pepper
into the eggs and tear in a small amount of fresh basil, sage or oregano into the egg or
sprinkle in some dried basil, sage or oregano. Whisk the mixture well. Chop 100 grams
of new potato into very small cubes, and dice half a small onion. Slice or quarter four
to eight mushrooms depending on their size and two thick slices of ham. Heat a lighty
oil large frying pan with spray oil on a medium heat on a hob. Firstly add the potatoes
and cook until golden brown on all sides, this should take about 5 to 6 minutes. Then
add the onions and cook for another 2 to 3 minutes, add the mushrooms and ham and
cook for another 2 to 3 minutes.
Add the egg mixture and like the ommelettes gently use a fork to lift the edges and tilt
the pan for the egg mixture to move around the pan but do not stir. When the top is
almost soild take of the heat and crumble a small amount of goats cheese on top of
the frittitta and place under a pre-heated (medium heat) grill for 5 to 7 minutes until
the top begins to turn golden brown. Then serve.

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