Black Peppercorn Sauce
Servings: 2
15 black peppercorns
150g of light creme cheese
1 teaspoon of dried sage or basil
2 chicken stock cubes
1 vegetable stock cube
500ml of boiling water
Spray Oil
1. Boil the kettle and pour 500 ml of boiling water into a meassuing jug, add in a the
black pepper, whisk in the chicken and vegetable stock cubes, and the basil or sage.
Pour the liquid into a large saucepan. When the liquid goes onto a rolling boil add the
creme cheese and reduce until the liquid is creamy. (try the sauce with this amount of
cheese the first time, however if you decide in the future that you would prefer it
creamier then add more the next time. But please bear in mind that this will increase
the calorie content.)
3. Lower the heat to medium and keep stiring the mixture occasionally, maing sure that it
doesn’t stick to the pan and the cheese is stirred in completely. for about ten minutes.
4. By this time the sauce should be ready., serve with pork,
chicken, turkey, steak or a jacket potato.
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